Showing 3 Result(s)

Cranberry Ginger Martini

I don’t even know how it happened. After arriving at my parent’s house, talk about the turkey day meal soon ensued. We talked turkey, we talked stuffing, we talked pie. And, by the end of it, my dad and I were somehow responsible for the turkey, the stuffing, and the gravy. I mean, I didn’t …


Lemonade and Lemonjito

So, here’s the situation: prolonged heat wave over the entire east coast. Tom told me this morning that the weather had gone funky. Climate patterns, instead of moving from west to east, as is the norm and something we’ve come to rely on, are moving the other way. If that’s not creepy enough, here are …


Orange Splash

It was quite a month. We moved out of our home of 6 years, crammed everything into a 10×15′ storage unit, closed on the home sale, camped out at my PhD adviser’s house for 2 weeks while we were homeless, flew to Ohio for Tom’s family reunion, flew back, and then had that said storage …